Arabic for joint
joint – masculine singular
The Arabic word for joint is pronounced mafSil and written ﻣَﻔﺼِﻞ.
The Arabic word word for joint can also be conjugated:
joint – masculine plural
Part of speech: noun. Pattern: verbal noun
Using the word joint
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Important letters:
The root of the word joint consists of three Arabic letters:
fa that is written ﻑ and pronounced f,
Sad that is written ﺹ and pronounced S and
lam that is written ﻝ and pronounced l.
Words with the same root letters are often related.
Words related to joint
The letters of joint
The Arabic word for joint consists of: The letter mim that is written ﻡ ( here ﻣـ ) and pronounced m. The short vowel a that is written as the sign َ above the letter. The letter fa that is written ﻑ ( here ـﻔـ ) and pronounced f and is a part of the root of the word. The letter Sad that is written ﺹ ( here ـﺼـ ) and pronounced S and is a part of the root of the word. The short vowel i that is written as the sign ِ under the letter. The letter lam that is written ﻝ ( here ـﻞ ) and pronounced l and is a part of the root of the word. Therefore, the word is writen ﻣَﻔﺼِﻞ and pronounced mafSil.
Arabic is written from right to left. Short vowels are placed above or under the letters, the are usually omitted.
Learn how to write with Arabic letters
Learn how to write with Arabic letters
The pattern for joint
maf3il becomes mafSil
We have seen that the Arabic word for joint is written ﻣَﻔﺼِﻞ and pronounced mafSil. It follows the pattern verbal noun form 1. All Arabic words with this pattern has the structure maf3il where f, 3 and l is replaced with the root letters of the word.
Since the pattern is maf3il and the root letters are f, S and l, the word becomes mafSil.
All Arabic words with the same pattern follow the same structure. If you know the pattern and root of a word, you can often guess its meaning. Learn more about Arabic word patterns
Since the pattern is maf3il and the root letters are f, S and l, the word becomes mafSil.
All Arabic words with the same pattern follow the same structure. If you know the pattern and root of a word, you can often guess its meaning. Learn more about Arabic word patterns