Arabic words

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Active participles

Active participle often describe an action or someone that perfors an action (like driver and poet).

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Passive participles

Passive participle often describe a person or thing that is subject to an action (like lucky and organized).

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Verbal nouns (form 1)

Many of the most common words (like big and beautiful) are verbal nouns form 1.

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Verbal nouns (form 2 - 10)

Verbal nouns describe an action, just like verbs, but without the time perspective. For example words like competition and usage are verbal nouns.

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Verbs form 1

Verbs with the most simple pattern: a short vowel after each root consonant.

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Verbs form 2 - 10

Verbs with form 2 and higher have a more distinct meaning than verbs with form 1.

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Colours, instrumental nouns etc.

Word for colours, tools, places, professions etc. have a pattern that is distinct and easy to recognize.

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Words with no pattern

Many of the most common words (like "and" and "not") are short and do not have any pattern.

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