means of transportation

The Arabic phrase means of transportation is pronounced wasaa'ilu annaqli and written ﻭَﺳَﺎﺋِﻞُ ﺍَﻟﻨَّﻘﻞِ

The Arabic words in means of transportation

Below you can see detailed information about every word in the Arabic phrase means of transportation. You can see the English translation of the word, how the word is spelled and pronounced and how the word has been conjugated in the phrase. There is also a link to get even more information about the word.

instrument, tool

Pronounciation: wasaa'ilu
English translation (of the word in its basic form): instrument, tool
Part of speech: noun
case: nominative
definiteness: definite form (beginning of an idafa contruction)
gender: masculine
broken plural

The base form of the word instrument, tool

(singular, indefinite, no case)


Pronounciation: annaqli
English translation (of the word in its basic form): transportation
Part of speech: noun
case: genitive
definiteness: definite form
gender: masculine
The word has genitive case since it is the owner of an an idafa contruction

The base form of the word transportation

(singular, indefinite, no case)

Type of phrase: Idafa

An idafa construction is used to express ownership in Arabic.

Source: Språkrådet