filling of the first half row in a verse
The Arabic phrase filling of the first half row in a verse is pronounced Hashwu aSSadri and written ﺣَﺸﻮُ ﺍَﻟﺼَّﺪﺭِ
The Arabic words in filling of the first half row in a verse
Below you can see detailed information about every word in the Arabic phrase filling of the first half row in a verse. You can see the English translation of the word, how the word is spelled and pronounced and how the word has been conjugated in the phrase. There is also a link to get even more information about the word.
Pronounciation: Hashwu
English translation (of the word in its basic form): filling
Part of speech: noun
The base form of the word filling
(singular, indefinite, no case)
Pronounciation: aSSadri
English translation (of the word in its basic form): chest
Part of speech: noun
The word has genitive case since it is the owner of an an idafa contruction
The base form of the word chest
(singular, indefinite, no case)
Type of phrase: Idafa
An idafa construction is used to express ownership in Arabic.