He turned his body right and left.

The Arabic phrase He turned his body right and left. is pronounced talaffata yamiinan wayasaaran and written ﺗَﻠَﻔَّﺖَ ﻳَﻤِﻴﻨﺎً ﻭَﻳَﺴَﺎﺭﺍً

The Arabic words in He turned his body right and left.

Below you can see detailed information about every word in the Arabic phrase He turned his body right and left.. You can see the English translation of the word, how the word is spelled and pronounced and how the word has been conjugated in the phrase. There is also a link to get even more information about the word.

to turn around

Pronounciation: talaffata
English translation: to turn around
Part of speech: verb
person: he
tense: past tense


Pronounciation: yamiinan
English translation: right
Part of speech: mixed


Pronounciation: wa
English translation: and
Part of speech: conjunction
Is attached to the word that follows.


Pronounciation: yasaaran
English translation: left
Part of speech: mixed

Type of phrase: Complete sentence

A complete sentence. The sentence contains a verb, but there are also complete Arabic sentences without any verb.