The schoolgirls returned from the trip happy.

The Arabic phrase The schoolgirls returned from the trip happy. is pronounced 3aadat attilmiidhaatu min arriHlati fariHaatin and written ﻋَﺎﺩَﺕ ﺍَﻟﺘِّﻠﻤِﻴﺬَﺍﺕُ ﻣِﻦ ﺍَﻟﺮِّﺣﻠَﺔِ ﻓَﺮِﺣَﺎﺕٍ

The Arabic words in The schoolgirls returned from the trip happy.

Below you can see detailed information about every word in the Arabic phrase The schoolgirls returned from the trip happy.. You can see the English translation of the word, how the word is spelled and pronounced and how the word has been conjugated in the phrase. There is also a link to get even more information about the word.

to return

Pronounciation: 3aadat
English translation (of the word in its basic form): to return
Part of speech: verb
person: she
tense: past tense

The base form of the word to return

(past tense he)


Pronounciation: attilmiidhaatu
English translation: pupil
Part of speech: noun
case: nominative
definiteness: definite form
gender: feminine
regular plural
Nominative is for example used to indicate the subject in a verbal sentence.

from, of

Pronounciation: min
English translation: from, of
Part of speech: preposition
A word that follows a preposition has genitive caseRead more


Pronounciation: arriHlati
English translation (of the word in its basic form): trip
Part of speech: noun
case: genitive
definiteness: definite form
gender: feminine
The word has genitive case since it follows a prepositionRead more

The base form of the word trip

(singular, indefinite, no case)


Pronounciation: fariHaatin
English translation (of the word in its basic form): happy
Part of speech: adjective
case: accusative
definiteness: indefinite form
gender: feminine
regular plural
Ordet är i ackusativ eftersom det är al-Haal. Det innebär att ordet beskriver tillståndet hos objektet eller subjektet vid tidpunkten då handlingen utfördes.Read more

The base form of the word happy

(singular, indefinite, no case)

Type of phrase: Verbal sentence

The definition of an Arabic verbal sentence is a sentence that starts with a verb. The fact that a sentence contains a verb is not enough for it to qualify as a verbal sentence. However, a sentence can in some circumstances start with another word and still be classified as a verbal sentence.

Read more about sentence of the type Verbal sentence